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November 23rd


Starting on Sunday, November 18th – Friday, November 23rd

We will have special pricing on a few items. ONLY DURING SCHEDULED CLASSES & FRIDAY AT THE DANCE

  • Friday Night Punch Cards – 10 Friday Night & Lessons valued at $120 will be on sale for $90. Last chance at $90. Limit of 5 per person
  • RHDB Shirts – 50% off Stock on hand only NOW $13.50, XXL $14.50
  • RHDB Jackets – 50% off Stock on hand only NOW $26, XXL $27
  • RHDB Shoe Bags – 20% off Stock on hand only NOW $16
  • Shoe Brushes – 20% off Stock on hand only NOW $12.00
  • New Year’s Eve Tickets – $35pp now until 12/27 then $45    Black Friday Special Only $32.00

PLUS… A Black Friday Night Dance 11/23/18

7pm – 8pm Dance Lesson: Foxtrot

8pm – 11pm Dancing to Country, Swing, Pop, Ballroom and more

Singles & Couples, Partner Dancing and Line Dancing

You can bring snacks and sweet treats to share!

Don’t Forget To Wear Black!

Celebration of Life – Fran Ogino

Celebration of Life – Fran Ogino

Celebration of Life – Fran Ogino

Celebration of Life - Fran Ogino

Passed away November 1, 2018

at the age of 96. She enjoyed the Seahawks, duplicate bridge, and line dancing. Frances is survived by daughters Sandra Timmer, Maxine Ogino, Gail Reed, 2 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Born FRANCES SETSUKO INOUYE OGINO

“Fran was a great Line Dancer. She could remember tons of line dances and was very dedicated to line dancing whenever she could. She celebrated a lot of her birthdays with me/us over the years and at the Rockin’ Horse Dance Barn. I remember her birthday because she told me her mother called her ‘Pumpkin Head’ because she was born on Halloween. So every year (on Friday night) around her birthday she would get out in the middle of the floor with others celebrating that week and we would sing Happy Birthday to her and the crowd would go wild when we announced how old she was. I have a picture from one of those dances down below from 2004. I remember her dancing here until she was AT LEAST 92, maybe longer.”

We miss you,

Dave Serfling

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Celebration of Life – Robert Cave

Celebration of Life – Robert Cave

Celebration of Life – Robert Cave

Celebration of life Robert Cave

Passed away October 4, 2018

Robert danced at the Rockin’ Horse Dance Barn quite a bit back in the day. He attended both the Saturday night dances with DJ Ron Bolin and the Friday Night Dances with DJ Dave Serfling.

Many of you probably remember him and/or danced with him. Please leave a comment at the bottom of this post and let his family know if you can make it to his Celebration of Life.


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Dave Serfling Celebrated 30 Years Teaching

Dave Serfling Celebrated 30 Years Teaching
Rockin' Horse Dance Barn Neon Sign

We had a great evening with a BBQ Dinner, Dance Lessons and of course dancing as Dave Serfling Celebrated 30 Years of Teaching Dance and the Rockin’ Horse Dance Barn’s 20th Anniversary. There were students/friends/customers from as far back as 25 years ago that came to help celebrate the occasion. Jimmi and Dave Serfling gave away some door prize gifts and of course “We had cake!”

A big thank you to all of you for your support over the last 30 years. It’s been great teaching and getting to know all of you.

And a special thank you to Jimmi for my surprise gift in the photo on the right. Jimmi surprised me with a neon sign of our logo I had wanted to get years ago. It made it more special getting it as a surprise gift. Now you can see us from the end of the street when you turn the corner after coming up the hill.

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